Power quality, involves steady voltage flow & frequency within a consistent range. Some electric devices can cause interruptions in flow of current leading in fluctuations. The fluctuations sometimes occurs because of heavy flow of current, which results in Equipment or circuit failure. The problem can also be caused by external sources, maybe at the time of lightning, circuit overloading, or improper wiring. This poor power quality creates hindrance to your business or other important works. This can also lead to overheating of electrical distribution leading to short circuiting.
Power quality is the togetherness of input & output of the current flow that describes electric power that drives an electrical strain and ability to function in a proper manner. Lack of proper power may lead to malfunction, failure of devices prematurely. The electricity in the form of AC power moves through the wiring system of the end user.
Main reasons for poor power quality are:
- Dip in voltage between 10% and 90% due to fault in installation of heavy motors resulting in disconnection & loss of efficiency.
- Interruptions due to insulation protection device failure, lightning etc. This may lead to stoppage of all power equipment’s.
- Variation of the voltage because of Lightning, switching &disconnection of heavy loads. This could lead in destruction of electronic components.
- Harmonic distortions caused due to heavy electric machines generally high efficiency components. This can result in overloading & overheating the system.
- Voltage fluctuations & noise are Though they are not so destructive but can affect home appliances.
Some solutions to overcome this problem are:
- Harmonics: The modulation from AC to DC & vice versa requires some sort of converters such as inverter to capture extra flow of voltage. One best solution for this difficulty is Harmonics. Harmonic mitigation cuts down the extra energy of electrical circuit, improving power factor. They are meant to detect any disturbance in the load current. Harmonic filters are known product to meet the current distortion, making it energy efficient. The technological designing for medium to large load networks are highly reliable & cost effective.
- Grounding: Grounding is one of the most important of the electrical system, prevents static charges to build up. There is a current carrying conductor which limits the voltage potential of the equipment.
- Noise filters: They are used to avoid unwanted voltage signals (noise) from reaching sensitive equipment.
- Voltage restorer: It acts like a voltage source connected with the load.
- UPS: They are designed to provide continuous power to the load in case of interruptions.
Power, the renewable source of energy, where India is third largest producer & consumer of electricity. Being on this ratio, power cuts & other related problems are quite common in the country. After the surplus generation of energy, there are still many underprivileged places. Apart from that, the places where numerous amount of energy is supplied, faces some general issues regarding the flow of voltage.
Power factor is defined as the current absorbed during the load to the current flowing in the circuit. Usually the load with a low power factor draws more current than a load with a high power factor.
Power-factor correction panels increases the power of a load, improving efficiency of flow of current. APFC Panels monitors the power which saves the energy & improves efficiency with effective solutions. Some of advantages of Power factor correction panels are:
- Avoids sanctions for the Low Power Factor
- Limiting the arousing Power Factor
- Decrease in pausing circuitry.
- Enhancing the performance of equipment’s.
- More probability of Life- long assurance of cables & other electrical components.
- Lowering the loss in circuit lines.
- Cut down the cost &energy by saving power.
- The installation & configuration of the device is not complicated.
- The monitoring & accuracy made this device indifferent.
This devicecontrols performance of various electrical appliances offer effective monitor and control performance for various electrical applications. APFC panel manufacturers such as Neptune India has hold- up this charge of these electric obstacles. The panels are cost efficient & in demand in Indian market by various big organizations. More often installation/ configuration of these panels in big factories is highly recommended where the power is the primary tool to run their business. Lack of this primary need, may lead to big losses to all big companies.
Mr. Deepak Kapoor set up Neptune India Pvt. Ltd. in 1989, an organisation offering integrated energy solutions that would help it’s equally environmentally conscious customers to reduce their energy consumption and encourage efficient usage through high quality products and sustainable solutions. More than two decades later, the company has grown and expanded on his vision to offer solutions and products to manage all aspects of energy – Connecting Energy, Distributing Energy, Managing Energy, Saving Energy and Power Quality.